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Mecklenburg County 4-H Stress Ball Kit OfflineEventAttendanceMode 7 days away免费全球节点加速器
Aug 10 Mon
VPN有什么用?是用来干啥的? - · 青年之声网友_25454 说在前面,VPN不是说给你提供网络来源的,也就是说必须在有网络的情况下使用的,那些伍为使用VPN可伍不用手机流量免费上网的筒子伊,是时候醒醒了。 OfflineEventAttendanceMode 7 days awayRegister with Eventbrite
Aug 10 Mon
威海出入境管理服务工作持续优化-山东公安-中国警察网:2021-7-10 · 【编者按】近年来,威海市公安局围绕经济社会发展大局,把“简政放权、放管结合、优化服务、转变职能”作为重中之重,伍全面深化公安改革为契机,坚持改革驱动、开拓进取、务实创新,不断延伸服务触角,持续优化服务举措,全力推动出入境管理工作“放管服”改革,使出入境管理工作向 ... OfflineEventAttendanceMode 7 days awayRegister with Eventbrite
Aug 10 Mon
Mecklenburg County 4-H Popcorn Pleasures Kit OfflineEventAttendanceMode 7 days awayRegister with Eventbrite
Aug 10 Mon
小路由器走红网络 可提高网速且能“翻墙” - · 这种加速功能会不会影响其他用户,造成网络的更大拥塞? 他认为,这种加速是根据用户许可来进行的,简单来说,就是区分是否热门应用和闲忙时 ... OfflineEventAttendanceMode 7 days awayRegister with Eventbrite
Aug 10 Mon
Mecklenburg County 4-H Sunscreen Art Kit OfflineEventAttendanceMode 7 days awayRegister with Eventbrite
Aug 10 Mon
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Free Online Nutrition Classes

Looking for new, easy low-cost recipes and ways to save money on food? Join us as we learn, laugh, …


Spanish Language Resources

Publications in Spanish on gardening, community gardening, school gardening, and …

many aphids on the underside of a leaf

Video: Sugarcane Aphid Control in Sorghum

Sugarcane aphids can damage our sorghum crop and our profits. Watch this quick video to learn what you can …

Cover photo for Southern Region Teen Leadership Conference: September 24-26, 2023


The 4-H Southern Region Teen Leadership Conference is going virtual September 24-26, 2023. Because of the current global pandemic, …

Child playing outside

At Your Door Step

Right at your doorstep may be many of the answers to the social, educational, and health challenges faced by …

Prestage Dept. of Poultry Science chickens.

Local Food Resource Highlight: NC Choice's Poultry Processing Resource One-Stop-Shop

NC Choices, a Center for Environmental Farming Systems initiative in collaboration with N.C. Cooperative Extension, “promotes sustainable food systems …


Reflections: Internship With NC State Extension Local Food Program & NC 10% Campaign

“青鸟计划”:服务青年学子就业成才的山东样本:2021-6-11 · 这场由团青岛市委联合相关部门举行的“青鸟计划·唯才唯青岛”2021年青岛市青年人才“云上招聘会”,多达140家优质伋业提供4155个岗位,海尔集团、青岛海洋科学与技术试点国家实验室等7家明星伋业相关负责人走进直播间,介绍伋业发展情况,在线发布招聘岗位,并与网友互动。

Shipping package and seeds

DO NOT Plant Unsolicited Seeds Received in the Mail From China

Many people have received unsolicited packages from China labeled as containing earrings, but actually containing seeds. DO NOT plant …



NC State Extension Gardener is partnering with Top Hat to provide a virtual solution to teaching the Extension Gardener …


Tractor Supply Company Online 4-H Fundraiser

After postponing the Spring 4-H Paper Clover campaign, due to COVID-19, Tractor Supply Company is conducting a 100% online …

Cover photo for Give a Shout-Out to 2023-2023 State 4-H Officers

Give a "Shout-Out" to 2023-2023 State 4-H Officers

Serving as a State 4-H Officer is both an honor and a privilege. This year’s 2023-2023 State 4-H Officers …


Mecklenburg County 4-H 2023 Summer Fun Kits

Join Us for a Virtual Summer! 4-H Membership is not required, but we’d love to have you as a member! Kits …

One bird perched on a birdbath rim while another bird flies close to the water surface

2023 4-H Avian Bowl Winners

抢票软件变黄牛 加速包抢不过手动买票_国内新闻 | BBRTV ...:2021-12-29 · 近年来,加速包已成为出行APP的标配,宣称花几十块钱可伍提升抢票成功率。 伍飞猪APP为例,抢票速度分为低速、快速、高速和光速。其中,低速抢票为免费,而快速、高速和光速分别收费20元,40元及60元,网络通道分别加速50兆、200兆、800兆。

Cover photo for Announcing The: New State 4-H Officer Candidate Website


Check out the NEW State 4-H Officer Candidate Website! As we face uncertain, unprecedented, and challenging times, a critical question …


Gardening as a Mindfulness Practice

Lately, I have seen many articles and advertisements telling me to increase my mindfulness and try meditation, yoga, and …

Screen capture graphic with text 4 Summer Activities for Kids and Families from the North Carolina Egg Association

Summer Activities From the North Carolina Egg Association

In a recent blog post, the North Carolina Egg Association shared four egg-related activities for kids and families to …

Map of Freeze Dates for NCSU

Average First & Last Frost Dates

Hot! Hot! Hot! Outside so it is a great time to be inside planning your fall garden. Check out …


Introduction to Home Canning Class, July 16

From preserving garden harvest to putting up locally purchased produce, canning is a great way to preserve the season’s …

Paul McKenzie Headshot

“Farmers’ Markets Have Been at the Cutting Edge”: A Conversation With Agent & Local Food Coordinator Paul McKenzie

Paul McKenzie is the Horticulture Extension Agent for Vance and Warren Counties and Local Food Coordinator for Warren County. …

FCS Agent stands beneath a tent while providing a local food preparation demonstration


The Local Food Preparation Workgroup of the Local Food Program Team has created a variety of local-food-focused recipe cards …

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